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Double Citizenship Information Guide

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U.S. Double Citizenship

Information and Answer to Frequently Asked Questions about Dual Citizenship or Double Nationality for U.S. Citizens

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Dual Citizenship or Double Nationality:

People with dual nationality or dual citizenship are citizens of two countries, for example you can become naturalized a citizen of the United States recently, but you were born citizen of Australia, therefore you have double citizenship with the U.S. and Australia. In some cases some individuals may be citizens of more than two countries, for example if one of the parents has double citizenship and pass both citizenships to the child, and then the child acquire a third citizenship from the other parent. Not every country allow double citizenship, most European countries ask you to choose and keep only one citizenship but in general the good news is that the U.S. doesn't oppose double citizenship, however there are certain exceptions especially when the non U.S. citizenship is acquired by naturalization.

United States Dual Citizenship:

The U.S. government does not encourage dual citizenship due to the problems that may arise from it like issues with double taxation, traveling with two passports, family issues, military service issues and other reasons. Dual nationals owe allegiance to both the United States and their foreign country of second citizenship. However it is assumed that the U.S. government allows dual citizenship because United States laws do not mention dual citizenship. U.S. Citizenship is one of the best citizenships in the world, thousands of immigrants become U.S. residents and green card holders every year and after having certain time of being residents, they may be eligible to apply to become U.S. citizens through the process of naturalization. New U.S. residents and citizens wonder if they can keep their original citizenship and still become a U.S. Citizen? does the US allows double citizenship? or you have to give up your original citizenship when becoming a U.S. citizen?. Order this FAQ package to can learn the answer to many of the frequently asked questions about dual citizenship. There are many benefits in becoming American, like the right to live, work and study in US.

US Citizenship Application: If you were born outside of the U.S., but because of your parents you are a U.S. citizen by birth it is important to have your citizenship registered and obtain a U.S. certificate of birth abroad, order the citizenship by birth abroad application information guide to learn how to obtain a U.S. certificate of birth abroad or to learn how to apply for the U.S. citizenship.

Foreigners that acquire U.S. citizenship:

As far as the U.S. is concerned most foreign aliens who become Americans can keep their original citizenship, however their country of origin may not allow double citizenship and they may have to give up their original citizenship. Therefore is very important to check with your country of birth if you can keep your citizenship when becoming American. It is important to consider the pros and cons about dual citizenship carefully before applying for U.S. citizenship.

Americans who acquire a new citizenship:

A U.S. citizen who acquires a foreign citizenship by marriage or who is granted another citizenship automatically doesn't risk losing U.S. citizenship, however a person who acquires a foreign citizenship by applying for it may end up losing his U.S. citizenship if he applied voluntarily, by free choice and with the intention to give up his U.S. citizenship. The Intent to give up U.S. citizenship can be shown by the person's statements or conduct.  Americans who don't want to keep their citizenship can renounce to the United States citizenship in a formal and proper way at a U.S. embassy or consulate abroad. Download the United States Dual Citizenship FAQ package with information about the Benefits of Dual Citizenship.

Frequent issues and questions about the double citizenship with United States and the country of origin:

  • What is dual or double citizenship?
  • The U.S. allows double citizenship?
  • Benefits of the United States citizenship
  • Can I be a non-citizen U.S. national?
  • Children born outside of the U.S. that become U.S. citizens at birth.
  • How to request the citizenship for children of a U.S. citizen?
  • Can I be the citizen of the United States and also citizen of another country at the same time?
  • Can I have double citizenship if I am a U.S. citizen?
  • As an American can I apply for a new citizenship with a foreign country?
  • The U.S. allows to have a U.S. passport and also a non-US passport?
  • Do I need to live in the U.S. to keep my U.S. citizenship valid?
  • What passport to use when traveling?
  • Do I lose my original citizenship if I become a U.S. citizen?
  • Other countries allow dual citizenship?
  • What are the Benefits of Dual Citizenship?
  • Problems with Dual Citizenship
  • Double taxation issues
  • Military service issues
  • Acts that may potentially cause the loss of the U.S. citizenship
  • How to travel with two passports?

Find out the answers to the above and many other questions about U.S. double citizenship by ordering and Download this FAQ and Information package.

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